Emmanuel Winkler

Personal Background (which interestingly is not of common interest to Human Ressorce)  😉 … 

Born and raised the first ten years in Africa. Togo – 3 years, (Madagascar-3 y.), Cameroon 4 y. this is the fundament to my intercultural and nature based perception of systems.

Mother: Mexican Organist in direct line to Clara and Robert Schumann. Grandmother was one of the first female physicians in Dresden University,  Grandfather was the president of the Ceramic Organisation of Mexico.

Father: Priest minister and member of the historic commisssion of Lutheran church, Son of a German entrepreneur family (automotive and textile) and cousins members to Siemens family, he dedicated his life to education and development PHD under Carl Barth and worked with Albert Schweitzer in Africa he established several theological Universities in Africa. 

Brother: Sebastian Winkler, Professionally engaged at international level in the area of Biodiversity, Climate Change.

Sister: Montessori Teacher, with innovative Projects in Primary School in Southern Germany 

Wife: Costa Rican, Finance and sustainabilty Expert working for a multilateral Development Bank

For more professional information: 
